King Lawson
M.Lawson with a pair of Puget Sound King Crabs which were soon after released back to the same rock by which they were found.
photo: Jeremy Koreski

Alpha & Beta
A big Alpha Bull Stellar Sea Lion approaches freedivers in the Broughton Archipelago while on freediving charter and tours with Nimmo Bay Resort.
Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Part of the Pod
POV from Chris Adair's head while freediving with dolphins in Hawaii

Mathahil y Uno Uni
M.Lawson in the Broughton Archipelago with a large Red Sea Urchin while freediving out of Nimmo Bay Resort.
Photo: Jeremy Koreski
Take it in
N.Schmidt pausing to take in the view
Photo: Chris Adair
Wreck Diving
N.Schmidt scouting a wreck off Vancouver Island
Photo: Chris Adair

Swimming Through
C.Adair playing in a swim through off the Big Island In Hawaii.

Shallow Cruising
M.Scheinberg cruises the shallows out of Wells Passage.
Photo: Jeremy Koreski
Dropping in
N.Schmidt making the drop down to treasure and history in the Gulf Islands off Vancouver Island.

Kelp Shallows
Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Hawaiin Locals
Spinner Dolphins approaching and playing with C.Adair during a freedive off the Big Island in Hawaii

Bull Ballet
A big bull making a turn for the camera as Jeremy Koreski snaps the shot.
Photo: Jeremy Koreski
Anybody home?
N.Schmidt investigating the carcass of an old wreck.
Cruising through History
N.Schmidt checking out an old wreck.
Statics in the pool
Photo: M.Scheinberg
Static Breath-holds in the pool
Winter Wreck
Photo: Chris Adair

Hawaiin Swim Throughs
Photo: Chris Adair

Ogden Point Break Water. One of the most amazing freedives you can do right in the heart of Victoria BC.
Photo: Chris Adair

Surface Prep

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski

Photo: Jeremy Koreski