Online ACADEMIC Course
COST: $180 (Online Academic)

***Registration Form at Bottom of Page***
Evening Academic Schedule via Zoom:
Course schedules vary please confirm specific course hours with Bottom Dwellers.


  • APR 22*/23* Online Academics Via Zoom - 6PM-9PM

Bottom Dwellers’ Freedive-Harvesting Course is designed for our local in-water environment of the PNW focusing on the Skills and Fundamentals of Ethical, Sustainable and Safe Freedive-Harvesting Practices. We cover Rules and Regulations (navigating DFOs Website), Species Identification, Ethical and Sustainable Practices/Choices and how to apply them, Equipment, Conditions and In-water Environment and more... ⠀

Bottom Dwellers' Online Freedive-Harvesting ACADEMIC Course:
Who's this course for?

This course as solely an online course is designed to instruct and share Sustainable and Ethical Freedive-Harvesting practices in local BC waters with those interested in learning about spearfishing and freedive-harvesting and are considering getting into the water. This course without having completed a Freediving Certification nor the In-Water Training of the Freedive-Harvesting course does not fully prepare you for entering the water and is to be understood as being a knowledge and development course under these parameters for those interested in learning more about the sport.

Focus of instructional material in BD's Online Freedive-Harvesting Courses will be on:

  • Proper safety practices and procedures for freedive-harvesting and spearfishing as a safe-buddy system

  • Proper execution of safe-buddy system protocols

  • Classroom Knowledge and Development and In-water skill development covering such topics as: handling of band powered devices, safe freediving practices while harvesting, line management, signals & communication, risk management and how to navigate the basic rules & regulation of local law.

  • Freedive-harvesting/spearfishing equipment use, management and maintenance. Learn the benefits specific freedive-harvesting/spearfishing equipment: why it works, how to maximize it's potential and how to keep your gear working for you.


To hold a spot in the course, the form below must be filled out in full along with payment being received. Your spot in the course will not be held until both this form and the course payment have been received by Bottom Dwellers. 

Payments may be made by arranging it with Bottom Dwellers directly through e-transfer. Please be sure to fill out the required registration form below as well as making a full payment to reserve your seat in the course.

*IF A COURSE IS FULL and you are still interested in taking it, please feel free contact Bottom Dwellers by filling out the respective form for the course to be put on a wait list for that course. If a spot comes available, Bottom Dwellers will reach out to that wait list first to fill the course.

Please complete the form below in full
all field Details are required of Registrants  

*To participate in any of Bottom Dwellers' courses you must meet the requirements of the medical form provided by Performance Freediving International. Bottom Dwellers instructs the Performance Freediving International System which upholds the highest standards of educational foundation in our attempts to provide the safest and most efficient learning environment for our students. To consult this form, please follow the link below.

Before singing up for a course with Bottom Dwellers, please consult our Refund and Cancellation Policy Here